Gone Too Soon
“Gone Too Soon” was published in Indian Periodical, an Indian literature publication. Here’s the link:
A song yet to be sung,
A life yet to be led
But you walked away,
So much still, undone, unsaid.
Some knew you, some claimed to,
Some saidthey saw the light
Of life all around you
Yet you left, into the night.
Then tears were shed, questions asked,
Was solitude concealed?
Despondency masked?
What is it that they want revealed?
Some queried, some wondered,
Shook their heads, others pondered.
What happened that you lost your way?
Why so cruelly,taken away?
What was this pain that tore at you?
This anguish that was too great to bear?
The days the skies did not turn blue,
Unanswered, it seemed, was every prayer.
What was it that tormented so?
That not the smallest light could be seen
They want to hear, they want to know,
What was it that shattered the dream?
But you are gone and gone too soon,
To a place unseen, a world unknown
Taking the answers with you and they,
Remain with you and you alone.
There are those whodid not know you,
Never did those unfamiliar paths cross
Yet it wrenches at those strange hearts too,
A life gone, a dream lost!